This was the coolest July Greater Atlanta Coin Show in recent memory. Looking at past week's weather charts, the temperatures for the metro Atlanta area reached the upper 80s on Sunday.
But, in Marietta with pop-up showers off and on all day, the temperatures may have reached the low 80s.
Very cool - relatively speaking - for Hotlanta in the summertime. Not complaining - the temperatures are great and keep the air conditioner from running almost constantly.
But, this, too, shall end with the heat and humidity arriving soon.
It was a great day to visit a coin show. We appreciate all of the people who came to the show to buy, sell or just browse.
And, we appreciate all of the coin dealers who filled the tables on the bourse with their display cases of coins, currency, bullion and other collectible items.
A couple of our regular-as-clockwork dealers were not feeling well this month. We hope they get better soon and make it to the next show.
The July bourse enjoyed a variety of coin dealers and lots of visitors to make it a busy and interesting place to be.
This month, the coin show shared the hotel's conference area with young baseball players and a 25th year class reunion from Lassiter High School from northeast Cobb county. We hope they had as much fun as the people at the coin show.
And, even with the threat of the rain showers, lots of golfers could be seen taking advantage of the nice day to play on the golf course behind the hotel.
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Coin Show
Coin Show - Monthly Notes from July 2013
"SEC. 2 . That as fast as the said coins shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States they shall be withdrawn from circulation and be recoined into other denominations of coins.
"SEC. 3. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed."
The trime or silver three-cent piece had already been discontinued. This legislation discontinued the three-cent nickel coin along with the $1 and $3 gold pieces.
Nevertheless, the coin dealer on Sunday had a beautiful Proof-67 version of the coin discontinued over 120 years ago.
That's one of the fun elements of numismatics.
There's so much history associated with a simple piece of metal that can be held in your hand.
There's the history of the coin, the drama of the associated politics, the infighting of the designers, the relationship to the events of the time and a whole story behind that small round piece of metal alloy.
Of course, there were many numismatic examples with a variety of stories behind each one at the July coin show.
The next coin show will include a bourse full of coin dealers displaying a wide variety of coins, currency, bullion and other collectibles. The dealers' interests range from the ancients to the colonial to the modern era coins and currency along with foreign coins and currency, jewelry and other collectibles.
Make plans to visit the next Greater Atlanta Coin Show on Sunday, August 11, 2013 to see what the coin dealers have on display and to buy, sell and browse their many numismatic and collectible items.
A couple of our dealers had just been at Summer FUN in Orlando and came back to display at the Greater Atlanta Coin Show. The FUN coin show was July 11 through July 13 at the Orange County Convention Center.
People talked about the happenings at the FUN show and also what might be at the upcoming show in Bessemer (just outside Birmingham) AL show that starts on July 19 and goes through the 21st.
In addition, some of the dealers and the visiting numismatists talked about their plans for attending the upcoming ANA show in Chicago on August 13-17, 2013.
With the metals moving downward (see the gold charts and the silver charts), people visited the show looking for bullion gold and silver.
"But the Director of the Mint shall nevertheless have power; with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, to engage temporarily for this purpose the services of one or more artists, distinguished in their respective departments of art, who shall be paid for such service from the contingent appropriation for the mint at Philadelphia."
On this same day, September 26, Congress chose to discontinue several coins including the three-cent pieces with this additional legislation:
"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the passage of this act the coinage of the three-dollar gold piece, the one-dollar gold piece, and the three-cent nickel piece be, and the same is hereby, prohibited, and the pieces named shall not be struck or issued by the Mint of the United States.
Some people, in particular, wanted silver coins, ingots, rounds or bars. But, finding physical hold-in-your-hand silver becomes more and more difficult. Some physical silver was available on the bourse, but not everyone found what they wanted or as much as they wanted.
People also talked about the 2013 American Eagle West Point Two-Coin Silver Set that is beginning to arrive from the US Mint.
Remember, this set includes one American Eagle Silver Reverse Proof Coin and one enhanced American Eagle Silver Uncirculated Coin, both minted at the United States Mint at West Point.
The US Mint offered this set to celebrate the West Point facility’s 75th anniversary. They began allowing orders on May 9 and closed the process on June 6.
The beautiful "Liberty walking into the dawn of a new day" became even more beautiful with their minting processes for both of these coins.
These coins were a big discussion topic at the show Sunday, but I'm not sure there were any available yet on the bourse.
Other people came to the show to sell their collectibles.
One person compared the offer at the show to that of the "Gold Buyer" shops they had visited. It seems the coin show's dealers offered over four times as much as the people in the Gold Buyer shops.
Still others brought some nicely collected modern pocket change coins. They immediately took the coins out of circulation to keep them in almost perfect condition.
At some point, these coins, (modern Sacagawea dollars) will be worth a premium over their face value. In today's market, though, these particular coins were worth $1 each.
Are you familiar with the three-cent pieces?
The silver trime (or fish scale as it's sometimes called) was available from 1851 through 1873.
People hoarded the small silver coins. As a result, the US Mint also minted a nickel version from 1865 through 1889.
One of the dealers had a beautiful Proof-67 three-cent nickel coin at the show.
Now, interestingly, in 1890, the first session of the Fifty-first Congress made some changes to the coinage laws.
On September 26, they introduced coinage standardization and also noted the twenty-five year minimum on the design or die of any coin with this legislation:
"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section thirty-five hundred and ten of the Revised Statutes of the United States be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows:
"SEC. 3510. The engraver shall prepare from the original dies already authorized all the working-dies required for use in the coinage of the several mints, and, when new coins, emblems, devices, legends, or designs are authorized, shall, if required by the Director of the Mint, prepare the devices, models, hubs, or original dies for the same.
"The Director of the Mint shall have power, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, to cause new designs or models of authorized emblems or devices to be prepared and adopted in the same manner as when new coins or devices are authorized.
"But no change in the design or die of any coin shall be made oftener than once in twenty-five years from and including the year of the first adoption of the design, model, die, or hub for the same coin:
"Provided, That no change be made in the diameter of any coin:
"And provided further, That nothing in this section shall prevent the adoption of new designs or models for devices or emblems already authorized for the standard silver dollar and the five-cent nickel piece as soon as practicable after the passage of this act.