So, what did you think of the coin show's bourse in the Hamilton Restaurant?
The hotel had a conflict with the Joe Mack Wilson Ballroom on the day of our scheduled July coin show.
Instead of moving us to the Lyon and Sanford rooms, which also had a conflict, the hotel provided the Hamilton Restaurant for the coin dealers and their displays of numismatic items.
It was certainly an interesting space with its functional and architectural obstacles that we had to work around.
Some dealers liked the room; some didn't.
But, the good news is we all made it work-and it was much better than the alternative, which would've been no coin show.
We thank everyone who helped make the July coin show a success:
#- the hotel's management that closed the restaurant for the show's needs,
#- the catering staff that set up the room,
#- the coin dealers that set up in the new space,
#- the coin show's security that kept an eye on the configuration,
#- the hotel's lunch and delivery staff,
#- and best of all, the many people that visited the show and browsed the displays.
Here's a huge THANK YOU to one and all.
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Coin Show
Coin Show - Monthly Notes from July 2015
Many dealers find it difficult to obtain popular silver items in this market.
Generally, low inventory equals high price, and high inventory equals low price.
The low market price does not reflect the difficulty coin dealers' across the country are having obtaining physical silver to maintain an inventory for customers.
It remains to be seen what the commodity market prices will be at the next show, but more importantly, it will be interesting to see what the coin dealers offer in their showcases next month.
There are other special thanks as well. One goes to the dealers that were road warriors driving back from the Summer F.U.N. show in Florida to set up at the July Greater Atlanta Coin Show.
Secondly, with the different space, it was easier for the dealers to unload and load at the hotel's main entrance.
Another special thank you goes to the dealers for quickly transferring their goods and moving their vehicles from the entrance area for others to gain access-both morning and evening.
Some people liked the space because of its beautiful view overlooking the golf course with Kennesaw Mountain in the distance.
Others liked the room because of the natural light throughout the day.
Regardless, it was different and interesting.
On a related note, some people approached the doorway and thought the show was small. They couldn't see the majority of the room full of dealers from just outside the entrance.
In reality, the room has more square footage than we normally use in the ballroom, but people needed to enter the room to see how the coin show spread throughout the space.
To enhance the beautiful view, the day's weather offered partly cloudy skies in the low 90s with some thunder and rain in the surrounding metro areas.
At the hotel this month, their guests also included lots of baseball interests with both adults and youth in their uniforms wandering the convention space.
As for our normal ballroom space, several different companies were competing in a new audio technology challenge. They used the space over 17 days, of which our show Sunday hit in the middle, to build their entries with the last day being a break-it-all-down day.
At the coin show, the bourse enjoyed a good crowd with both familiar faces and new people wandering the floor to see what the dealers had in their showcases.
Some newcomers to the show found certified Chinese Panda coins and thought they were interesting.
On another coin note, the US Mint had sold out of American Silver Eagles-a popular item.
Comparably, there were very few of the American Silver Eagles on the bourse.
As usual, there will be the ancient and early American coins. There will also be the slabbed collectibles: copper, clad, silver and gold. To the extent they can find it, there will also be bullion: silver, gold and platinum. Of course, there will be paper currency and related collectibles as well such as medals, stock certificates and other items.
Mark your calendars for the next Greater Atlanta Coin Show on Sunday, August 9, 2015 in the Joe Mack Wilson Ballroom.