Reminder – Next Show, Sunday, August 16, 2009

This is a friendly reminder for the next Monthly Greater Atlanta Coin Show this Sunday, August 16.

For our regular visitors, we look forward to seeing you again this Sunday. If you’ve never been to a coin show or have never been to this coin show, you are welcome to join us, too.

If you are not a coin collector or a coin investor today, but you are curious, come by, you could become hooked on coins as a hobby or as an investment.

Of course, the regular dealers return each month and some infrequent dealers will join us as well.

Show hours for our visitors start at 9:00 am and end at 5:00 pm. However, late afternoon visitors find fewer dealers as several dealers leave by midafternoon and find fewer good deals as the early crowds canvas the bourse for the good deals.

You will find dealers and deals up until 5:00 but lots fewer than those available earlier in the day.

Click over to our main web site to find the location and directions and for the list of regular dealers.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!