“Trusty and well-beloved we greet you well” – Virginia State Quarter Coin

Today, the Virginia State Quarter Coin remembers the Declaration of Loyalty the colonists made to the monarchy over 100 years before the revolt against the king’s rule.

From The Southern and Western Literary Messenger and Review published in May 1847:


[1st of April, 1642.]

The Assembly made a declaration against the restoration of the Virginia Company then proposed, denouncing it as having been the source of intolerable calamities to the colony by its illegal proceeding, barbarous punishments and monopolizing policy.

They insisted that its restoration would cause them to degenerate from the condition of their birth-right and convert them from subjects of a monarchy, to the creatures of a popular and tumultuary government, to which they would be obliged to resign their lands held from the crown, which they intimate if necessary would be more fitly re signed to a branch of the royal family than to a corporation.

They averred that the revival of the company would prove a death blow to freedom of trade, the life-blood of a commonwealth.

Finally the assembly protested against the restoration of the company, and denounced severe penalties against any who should countenance the scheme.

This remonstrance, together with a petition, being communicated to the King, then at York, he answered it, engaging never to restore the company.

The following is the King’s letter:

  1. R.

Trusty and well-beloved we greet you well.

Whereas we have received a petition from you, our Governor, council and burgesses of the grand assembly in Virginia, together with a declaration and protestation of the 1st of April, against a petition presented in your names to our House of Commons in this our kingdom, for restoring of the letters patent for the incorporation of the late treasurer and council, contrary to our intent and meaning and against all such as shall go about to alienate you from our immediate protection.

And whereas you desire by your petition that we should confirm this your declaration and protestation under our royal signet and transmit the same to that our colony.

These are to signify, that your acknowledgments of our great bounty and favors towards you and your so earnest desire to continue under our immediate protection, are very acceptable to us.

And that as we had not before the least intention to consent to the introduction of any company over that our colony, so we are by it much confirmed in our former resolutions, as thinking it unfit to change a form of government wherein, (besides many other reasons given and to be given,) our subjects there, (having had so long experience of it,) receive so much content and satisfaction.

And this our approbation of your petition and protestation, we have thought fit to transmit unto you, under our royal signet.

Given at our Court, at York, the 5th of July, 1642.

To our trusty and well-beloved our Governor, Council and Burgesses of the grand assembly of Virginia.


The Virginia State Quarter Coin shows with an artist’s image of the abundance in Virginia, circa 1605.

Virginia State Quarter Coin