Many Banquets in His Memory – Lincoln Early Years One Cent Coin

Today, the Lincoln Early Years One Cent Coin remembers his birthday and remembers the many banquets held on February 12, 1892 in his honor.

The Aurora [IL] Daily Express reported on several of those remembrance banquets.


Chicago — Five hundred guests and members of the Marquette club participated in the club’s annual banquet at the Auditorium last night in honor of Lincoln’s birthday. Mayor Washburne on behalf of the club delivered the address of welcome. Senator Shelby M. Cullom responded to the toast “Abraham Lincoln,” and made the principal speech of the evening.

Senator Cullom said: “I knew Abraham Lincoln well. I saw him for the first time in Tazewell county, in this state, when he was engaged in the defense of a man charged with murder. My father was his friend and admirer and accompanied him in his canvass of Tazewell. Then a boy, I attended one of his meetings and heard him speak.

“I knew Lincoln in all the walks of life. I knew him as a private citizen, as a lawyer, as a politician, and as the great leader of the Republican party. Lincoln was not a scholar in the common acceptation of that phrase; but he knew many things and knew many of them well. He had a profound knowledge of the works of some of the great writers of English literature. He was a student of Shakespeare and of Burns.”

Referring to Lincoln’s political principles, the speaker spoke of his elevation to the presidency, and said: “But he was equal to the task, and this fact soon became apparent to the people. He felt his way. He did not attempt often to compel public sentiment to turn in this or that direction, but he cautiously and shrewdly managed both men and events.

“So matters went on until, in the fullness of time, this man of the people, this tenderhearted but strong and determined man, struck the manacles from the limbs of 4,000,000 of human beings. This work was finished, but Lincoln did not live to see it finished. He did not live to see the Union restored. He did not live to see the freedmen clothed with citizenship and dignified by the elective franchise.”

Brooklyn — The annual dinner of the Union League club in memory of Abraham Lincoln was given at the club house. President Francis H. Wilson presided.

Hon. John F. Wise of Virginia spoke of “Abraham Lincoln.” He said: “Above all others Lincoln will be remembered for all time to come by friend and foe alike as the great and almost lonely helmsman of the Union in the hour of its peril, who steered by the unfailing light of a single constellation; who never veered a point, and who always guarded by his self-made chart, ‘with malice toward none and charity for all.'”

Columbus —The Ohio State League of Republican clubs closed its annual convention last evening with a banquet in celebration of Lincoln’s birthday in which they were joined by a number of prominent Republicans of the state. Nearly four hundred sat down at the banquet tables which were spread in Wirthwein’s hall.

The hall was appropriately decorated and a large oil painting of Lincoln was a feature of the decorations. Governor McKinley responded to the toast “Ohio,” making the principal address of the evening. He paid a glowing tribute to the martyr president and spoke of the Ohio men who had been noted for supporting Lincoln in the cabinet and in congress during the rebellion.

Philadelphia — The anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln was very universally observed in this city by the various Republican organizations. The two most prominent observances were those of the young Republicans and the Pennsylvania club. At the latter club among the distinguished guests was Attorney General Miller, who made the principal speech. At the Young Republican club Secretary Noble was present together with Representatives Henderson of Iowa and Hopkins of Illinois.

Boston — The Butler club of this city observed the birthday of Abraham Lincoln with a banquet. Gathered around the banquet table were N. A. Plimpton, president of the club; General B. F. Butler; Chales A. Dana, of the New York Sun; General D. E. Sickles; Governor Robie, of Maine; and Corporal James Tanner. General Butler was the first speaker. After paying his tribute to the memory of Lincoln, he spoke on free silver coinage.

Chattanooga — Perhaps the most remarkable celebration of Lincoln’s birthday int he country occurred at Coal Creek, in the mountains of East Tennessee, where a garrison of guards is standing between free and convict miners. A large crowd was in attendance and red hot speeches were made by the labor leaders. One of them, Ingraham, said: “The eyes of the world are upon you, and if a citizen of Coal Creek loses his live in the struggle the army of Tennessee will be exterminated.” The wires have been cut, and a fight is looked for by the garrison.

New York — The sixth annual dinner of the Republican club was held at Delmonico’s last night inhonor of the memory of Abraham Lincoln. Prominent men from all parts of the country were present. Speeches were made by Senators Platt and Hiscock, Elihu Root and others.


The Lincoln Early Years One Cent Coin shows with an image of the cabin, circa 1915.

Lincoln Early Years One Cent Coin